

STA2112/STA2212 Final Project Archive


MLE_thetahat is a random variable, Fisher information, Cramer-Rao Notes

2024-04-04 更新 🔗 MLE_theta_hat is a RV because X is a RV. One realization of data gives the point estimate. its OK we only get one realization of MLE_theta. Theoretically, we are studying how MLE_theta will behave if we repeat the experiment. That is, we are more interested in E(MLE_theta). we know bias(MLE_theta) = E(MLE_theta - true theta) = E(MLE_theta) - true theta = 0, so we are good



Exponential Family & GLM Notes

Exponential family and GLM study notes. Reference


第一稿完成,这里以及一些writing总结 Nov 23, 2023 update 第二稿 修改好的第二版 2024-04-25 更新 这次主要增加了结果部分 最后一击请看这里

High Dimensional Selection with Interactions Algorithm on Feature Selection for Time-to-Event Outcome

Preparing simulation dataset 🔗This study simulated time-to-event data from Cox regression with use-specified coefficients. The harzard model is given by: $$ h(t|X)= e^{(\alpha+\beta X)}= e^{\alpha} * e^{(\beta X)} = h_0(t)*e^{\beta X}$$ where: X is the covariate vector \(\alpha\) is the intercept \(\beta\) is the coefficients vector h(t|X)is the hazard function at time t given X - \(h_0(t)\) is the baseline hazard The survival function of the cox proportional hazards model is then given by:


1️⃣也许就是偏头痛吧? 我完全没有意识到我有强迫症。 几年前我离开家去外地,没过多久的一天,突然感到右边脑袋的某根神经有一点按压痛,每次午休起


我的朋友谢尔李领我打了一次🏐之后,又打开了我新世界的大门!看到学校有drop-in排球,约到了Mary小姐妹一起去。 对于运动这件事情,我向来


5208需要用到生存分析的知识,遂复习。参考资料在这里&一个两个小视频。 This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF.


看到院里有一个mentorship的活动,作为一个刚开始一段新旅程的小白,感觉非常手忙脚乱,无从下手,遂报名。 匹配上的是一位五年级流病的姐姐


视频链接,要点总结如下: 准备阅读清单 🔗首先找到想要阅读的topic相关的文献5篇左右,制作一个阅读list: XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX 然后,快速的浏览一下每


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常见离散分布: Bernulli 🔗• Story: 2023年1月10日,小明吃包子,尤其喜欢吃羊肉馅的包子。小明妈妈每天会做同样数量的羊肉馅包子和鱼肉馅包子。小明吃到羊


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一些有用的professional skill的文件归档

CV 如何写简历 🔗 Common CV – CIHR academic version - https://ccv-cvc.ca/indexresearcher-eng.frmLinks to an external site. U of T student life CV format – see pages 4-6 https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/Creating-Your-Academic-CV.pdf Independent development plan 🔗可以看两个模板: Fuhrmann CN. Hobin JA, Lindstaedt B, Clifford PS. MyIDP. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2021. Available at: [https://myidp.sciencecareers.org/Links to an external site.] Canadian Institutes of