
· 453 words · 1 minute read


准备阅读清单 🔗


  1. XXXXX
  2. XXXXX
  3. XXXXX
  4. XXXXX
  5. XXXXX

然后,快速的浏览一下每篇文献(最多20%/paper),并舍弃掉其中“不合适”的文献,挑选比较好的文献,并把阅读中觉得好的reference paper增加到我们的阅读list里面

  1. XXXXX
  2. XXXXX ❌
  3. XXXXX ✅
  4. XXXXX
  5. XXXXX
  6. XXXXX (reference paper of #3)

如何阅读单篇文献 🔗

  1. 首先阅读title,abstract,figures
  2. 阅读intro+conclusions+figures + skim rest (skim related work, not easy to understand)
  3. read but skip math
  4. read whole thing but skip parts that don’t make sense

如何阅读数学/codes 🔗

  1. rederive from scratch
  2. run open source codes
  3. or reimplement from scratch

带着这些问题读文献 🔗

  1. what did authors try to accomplish?
  2. what were the key elements of the approach?
  3. what can you use yourself?
  4. what other references do you want to follow?

文献来源 🔗

  1. identify source of papers (twitter)

long-term:steady reading, not short burst

Job suggestions 🔗

  1. T shape model
    horizontal(area) : foundation skills ( gained from course work, reading)
    vertical(depth): hands-on experience in one specific area (projects)

Saturday morning problem 🔗

  1. read paper (horizontal)
  2. work on research (vertical)
  3. open source
  4. TV 🐱😂

selecting a job 🔗

  1. work with great people/projects (focus on the team you will interact with)
  2. not on the ‘brand’
  3. rotation? be cautious

learn the most and do important work