R data types

· 631 words · 3 minute read

An overview of data types

The following is a super detailed table summarizing different data types and objects in R. I found this in tibble. However, you can just pay most attention to the commonly used ones:)

Class Data type Example Column header
Atomic logical TRUE lgl
integer 1L int
double 1.5 dbl
character "A" chr
complex 0+1i cpl
raw as.raw(1) raw
list list(1) list
named list list(a = 1) named list
Built-in objects factor factor("A") fct
ordered ordered("a") ord
Date Sys.Date() date
POSIXt Sys.time() dttm
difftime vctrs::new_duration(1) drtn
Objects from other packages hms hms::hms(1) time
integer64 bit64::as.integer64(1e+10) int64
blob blob::blob(raw(1)) blob
Data frames data.frame data.frame(a = 1) df[,1]
tbl_df tibble(a = 1) tibble
Unchanged AsIs I(1L) I
vctrs types unspecified vctrs::unspecified(1) ???
vctrs_list_of vctrs::list_of(c(1L)) list
vctrs_vctr vctrs::new_vctr(1L) vctrs_vc
vctrs_partial_factor vctrs::partial_factor(letters) prtl_fctr
vctrs_partial_frame vctrs::partial_frame(a = 1) prtl
Language objects function function() NULL fn
symbol quote(a) sym
expression parse(text = "a <- 1\nb<- 2") expression
quosures rlang::quos(a = 1) quos

Determining the type of an object: typeof(x) and mode(x)

To determine the type or storage mode of any R object, you can use typeof(x) and mode(x).

the input x could be any R object. The potential output could be “logical”, “integer”, “double”, “complex”, “character”,“list”, “NULL”, “closure” (function), etc.

Here are some examples:

my.examples typeof.out mode.out class.out
1 a <- TRUE logical logical logical
2 b <- c(1:10) integer numeric integer
3 v1 <- as.factor(c(1:2)) integer numeric factor
4 d <- 10 double numeric numeric
5 e <- 10+2i complex complex complex
6 f <- c(‘1’,‘2’) character character character
7 v2 <- as.factor(c(‘1’,‘2’)) integer numeric factor
8 g <- list(‘I am from Mars’) list list list
10 u <- table closure function function
11 x <- as.Date(‘1jan1960’) double numeric Date

You may notice that the outputs of typeof() and mode() are not 100% the same. Good eyes! As you can see from this example, integer and double in typeof() are returned as numeric. closure(R function) in typeof() is returned as function.

The following codes are used to generate the above table:

a <- TRUE
b <- c(1:2)
v1 <- as.factor(c(1:2))
d <- 10
e <- 10+2i
f <- c('1','2')
v2 <- as.factor(c('1','2'))
g <- list('I am from Mars')
h <- NULL
u <- table ##tabulate function in R
x <- as.Date('1jan1960',"%d%b%Y")##output:"1960-01-01"
y <- matrix(c(1:4),nrow = 2)
z <- array(data = c(1:4))

my.typelist <- list(a,b,v1,d,e,f,v2,g,h,u,x)
my.examples <- list("a <- TRUE","b <- c(1:10)","v1 <- as.factor(c(1:2))",
                    "d <- 10","e <- 10+2i"," f <- c('1','2')","v2 <- as.factor(c('1','2'))", "g <- list('I am from Mars')","h <- NULL","u <- table","x <- as.Date('1jan1960')") %>% data.frame() %>% t()  
typeof.out <- my.typelist %>% map_chr(~typeof(.))
mode.out <- my.typelist %>% map_chr(~mode(.)) 
class.out <- my.typelist %>% map_chr(~class(.))  

tibble(my.examples,typeof.out,mode.out,class.out ) %>% htmlTable::htmlTable()

a more simpler and intuitive way to determine the type of a R object is to veiw the environment window: The environment window in Rstudio

Now, you can easily find the column header in the second column:)Yay! Another small tip: tibble will automatically show you the data type. see this example below:

tibble(my.examples,typeof.out,mode.out ) 
## # A tibble: 11 x 3
##    my.examples[,1]               typeof.out mode.out 
##    <chr>                         <chr>      <chr>    
##  1 "a <- TRUE"                   logical    logical  
##  2 "b <- c(1:10)"                integer    numeric  
##  3 "v1 <- as.factor(c(1:2))"     integer    numeric  
##  4 "d <- 10"                     double     numeric  
##  5 "e <- 10+2i"                  complex    complex  
##  6 " f <- c('1','2')"            character  character
##  7 "v2 <- as.factor(c('1','2'))" integer    numeric  
##  8 "g <- list('I am from Mars')" list       list     
##  9 "h <- NULL"                   NULL       NULL     
## 10 "u <- table"                  closure    function 
## 11 "x <- as.Date('1jan1960')"    double     numeric

create or test of different data types

  • character
my.chr = as.character(1)
## [1] TRUE
  • numeric
my.chr = as.numeric(1)
## [1] FALSE
  • factor
my.chr = as.numeric()
## [1] FALSE