Lin Yu

        thisislinyu       (+86)187-1680-2989

You may see her CV in Chinese here.


University of Alberta (M.S. in Epidemiology, 2019.09-2021.12)

Thesis:Risk Prediction of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency in Childhood Cancer Survivors Using Polygenic Risk Scores and Clinical Predictors

 Alberta, Canada

Southern Medical University (B.S. in Biostatistics, 2015.09-2019.06)

Thesis: A Renyi test based method for comparing two AUCs with ROC curves crossover

 Guangzhou, China


Graduate Research Assistant


Graduate Research Assistant



Biostatistics II

 2020 Winter

Biostatistics I

 2020 Fall & 2021 Fall


Assistant Biostatistican


Guangzhou Tianpeng Computer Technology Co., Ltd

   Community Engagement

Flatten the curve


Used Shiny to create a user-friendly interactive web page to simulate COVID-19 development

SAS Workshop

 2020.03 and 2021.02

Held SAS basic workshop in the School of Public Health

EpiRhandbook Translation


Epi Rhandbook Chinese translation group volunteer and coordinator

ARCC Conference


Gave a presentation at the ARCC (Canadian Center for Applied Research in Cancer Control) conference


Proficient in R, SAS, STATA, SPSS, and MS (Word, Excel and PPT)

Language: Chinese (native), English(fluent)

   Awards and Recognitions

Canadian Center for Applied Research in Cancer Control Studentship


Research funding for cancer-related studies ($25,000 CAD)

Statistical Society of Canada Student Travel Award


Travel award for selected abstracts ($500 CAD)

Southern Medical University (SMU) Academic Award

 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

An award to the top 10% students(¥3,000 Chinese yuan)

Outstanding Student Award, SMU

 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

For students with a strong academic record

MathorCup Mathematical Modeling Challenge, National 2nd tier Award


Precision Marketing for the Targeted Users of the Surpass-Brand Mobile Phone (top 10%, team award)

This CV was made with the R Markdown