Comps Part I Random Variable

· 441 words · 1 minute read


1. what is a RV? 🔗

1.1 defn: it’s a function from sample space D to real line.
1.2 randomness: before we do the experiment, we have random experiment, and we assign different prob. to experiment.

2. Discrete RV 🔗

2.1 Bernoulli 🔗
2.2 Binomial: sum of n indep Bernoulli 🔗
  • sum of two indep binomial (say (m,p) and (n,p)) with same p turns out to be bernoulli with (m+n,p). The PMF can be write out using convolution or MGF.
  • binomial theorm to proof that probs. sum up to 1, thats why its called binomial dist.
2.3 Hypergeometric 🔗
  • select c = 5 marbles from A+B = n marbles (A white, B black) without replacement, find the dist. of # of white marbles.
  • binomial vs. hypergeometric:
    • binomial: sample with replacement, trails are indep.
    • hypergeometric: sample without replacement, trails are dependent.
    • binomial approximation: when n is large (e.g.,100000), c (c = 10) is relatively small, it’s unlikely to select the same marble more than once, then hypergeometric –> binomial. Then we can use binomial approximate hypergeometric
2.4 geometric Geom(p): 🔗
  • indep. Bern(p) trails, count # of failures before 1st success
  • sum of geometric series: sum of q^k (k = 0,1,..+infnty)= 1/(1-q), thats why we call it geometric dist.
2.5 negative binomial 🔗
  • generalization of geometric dist
  • indep. Bern(p) trails, count # of failures before the r^the success
2.6 poisson (most important discrete dist. in all of stats) 🔗
  • name after Poisson, a famous French mathematician in 1830s
  • count the # of ‘success’, where there are a large # of trials, small prob for each trail (e.g., earthquakes in a year in a specific region)
  • Poisson approximation: Bin(n,p), when n goes to +infnty, p goes to 0, lambda = np is hold constant (lambda is the count, p is the rate parameter, in survival analysis: mu = lambda*Y, where mu is the count, lambda is the rate param, and Y is the total time of follow up.) binomial –> poisson. we can use poisson to approx. binomial.
  • the rate is a constant

3. continuous dist. 🔗

3.1 uniform 🔗
  • useful property of Uniform(0,1): F(y) = P(Y <= y) = y
  • X with CDF F(x), generate X = x = F^-1(U), where U is a uniform(0,1).
3.2 exponential 🔗
  • memoryless property
  • geometric is the discrete analogy of exponential
3.3 normal 🔗
3.4 beta 🔗
3.4 gamma 🔗
  • gamma expo connection


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