R/统计相关 🔗
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- AECOPD文献综述笔记
- 一个完成了90%的模拟研究
- 二〇二三半年工作总结
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- R作图汇总
- highcharts
- highcharts 折线图
- highcharts for R
好用的cheatsheet 🔗
- emoji大全
- emoji大全2号
- emoji大全3号 (git在这里)
- R配色必备
- R4DS cookbook
- 配色
- R package manager
- R for RCT reporting
- R项目管理/R包开发的规范流程
- 配色colorbrewer
- xaringantheme
- rmakrdown chunk options
- 基线表的一些R包
- 特殊字符表
- markdown官方教程
- simulating correlated data
宝藏博主们 🔗
实用R/Python包 🔗
- r2rtf
- DT format
- gtsummary
- tableone 帮助手册
- pandas_profiling
- r for clinical study report
- r package manager
- ggpubr
实用R插件 🔗
- styler整理代码
工具书 🔗
- The Book of Statistical Proofs
- https://bookdown.org/wangminjie/R4DS/
- Scientific research writing for non-native speakers of English by Hilary Glasman-Deal
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
blow you mind 🔗
其他归档 🔗
一些哇塞的文献 🔗
- Jain R, Xu W. Dynamic model updating (DMU) approach for statistical learning model building with missing data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021 Apr 29;22(1):221. doi: 10.1186/s12859-021-04138-zIF: 3.307 Q2 . PMID: 33926384; PMCID: PMC8086098.
- An introduction to inverse probability of treatment weighting in observational research
- Calculating the sample size required for developing a clinical prediction model
待研究 🔗
- Score Test: Historical Review and Recent Developments
- 看markdown官网偶然发现的remark
- 画图